
Instagram Crushes

HEY remember when I existed?

Yea, me either.

ANYWAY I'm hopping on here to say what's up and to empty my phone.

I don't know about you but when I scroll thru instagram (a MILLION times a day) I screen shot cute things or stuff I want to look up later or things I want to attempt in my own life.

And in the interest of not using ALL of my phone's memory and because I want to share them with you I'm adding them on here! FYI some of these are NAHT recent. And since instagram has no dates, only age of pictures, who knows if you'll be able to find them on there. Plus I'll be pinning them all so I can actually keep track of them. Feel free to pin them too!

So here they are! A lot of these are from my favorite instagram accounts too so you should follow them. Also longest post ever because I have so many pictures. This isn't even all of them!

her instagram account. I want to make one of these. BADLY

her blog. recipe isn't on there yet

her blog links over to the recipe here
her wedding stirrers. i love her whole blog

here's her blog

instagram account of a laurenconrad.com editor

shop the stuff created in this beautiful office

blog full of inspo

I want everything from this store
find the DIY here

awesome blog
adorable blog

find it here

Kait's blog and her adorable pup

find the items here

read her fashion blog here

find the NO-SEW diy here
find her blog here and email her to get your own
my next DIY gift!

get the tassel garland here and the "be brave" print here

watch the DIY video here

view the whole photo gallery here
find items here

find them here
find them here