I don't know about you guys but there are some normal, everyday things that people do without thinking but for some reason, it turns disastrous for me.
1. Grocery shopping. Yea, I know, just make a list. I do. I swear tho, I can't fucking do it. I don't know how it goes wrong but it always does. If I don't have a list, fucking forget it. If I do, I still end up screwing things up. Por ejemplo:
2. Wearing appropriate shoes. I wanna wear heels when I have to walk 3 miles. I want to wear suede flats when it's raining. I want to wear TOMS when we go to dinner. I have a lot of shoes. And I love them. And will plan outfits around them, despite the practicality.
3. Purchasing clothes
I’ll actually wear. I get so caught up in sparkles and patterns and pretty
color that I buy things and then a year and a half later I don’t wear them. But
I keep them usually, in case there is a sudden trend for bright purple baggy
silk shirts. If something is on sale for a great price, I’m gonna buy it. If it
says Kate Spade on the label, I’m gonna buy it. If it’s got sequins, I’m
(usually) gonna buy it.
4. Mailing things.
Thank you cards from my birthday (Nov 25th), clothes Tori left at my
apartment 2 years ago, gym membership (that I stopped using 2.5 years ago) cancellation
letter. It’s annoying. The post office is around the corner from my apartment
but it’s open M-F 9-5. I HAVE A JOB MOFOS.
5. Not eating when I’m
not hungry. I mean I’m hungry ALWAYS. But when I’m eating something yummy
it is SO hard to stop myself. And it’s not so much sweets (unless you’re
talking baby snickers) it’s hamburgers, fries, sushi, garlic mashed potatoes,
chips and French onion dip or guac, and Tom’s mom’s cheeseball. IT’S SO HARD. I
try tho! I make Tom take food away from me, I walk away from it. I make other
people eat it. It’s just soooo yummmmmmy.

Meet A DIY Queen and Self Proclaimed Cat Lady!