
Golden Giveaway!

GUYS. I turn 25 in 5 days. WEIRD. I’m almost a year younger than all my friends and I’m 4 years younger than Tom, so I honestly feel like I’m already 25 anyway. BUT NOT YET. And for the next week or so, I’m going to be posting (yes- on a regular basis) about birthday tings. Because- It’s my mouth blog and I can do what I want to.

Before I go and post about all the tings 25 year olds care about- I want to take today and bring you my Golden (Birthday) Giveaway! I’m turning 25 on the 25th of November. That makes it my Golden Birthday! By this point in most people’s lives, they’ve passed their golden birthday, but if you haven’t- it’s an extra reason to celebrate! If you’ve seen on Instagram- I’ve posted a few golden items that I plan to decorate with and golden things I just HAD to have, and I want to share some of those things with YOU!

I have gotten a group of some of my ABSOLUTE favorite bloggers to help give away my golden birthday shiz! So without further ado- here it is!

adriana // casey // tori // sarah // kelly // kate // allie // danae

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ALSO- go see Casey cuz she's talking about a new link up that I'm super excited about and I knowww you're gonna be excited about. Also we're kind of in love so you should go see her and check that shit OUT.

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!

Lily's Giveaway!

It was Lil's birthday on Monday. I had most of a post written to go live on Tuesday but I didn't finish it.

I've been a bad blogger lately and I have a not-so-fun feeling that it's gonna stay hard to keep up. I started my new job that's really great and I'm so excited about it but it's exhausting and really, the last thing I have wanted to do the last week and a half was come home and hop right back on the computer.

But I'm here today and I got something for you. Or rather, Lil has something for you. She heard I was doing a birthday giveaway (I am, and it's fucking awesome so stay tuned!) and she was all "wtf mom" and I was like WELL, ok. So- here's Lil!

Hey guys! Did you know this very blog you're reading was inspiried by me? Duh. I'm basically mom's muse. Also I like fetch.

Here's what I don't like: going for walks in the fucking cold. For some genius reason, mom and dad live in New England and I'm not a husky for fuck sake! It's way too cold for that shit. Well, it was, until mom got me the warmest, most wonderful, adorable puppy coat!

She got it from The Product Farm, yes, the same place you can get a vino2go! There are a bunch of patterns- just go check them out.

Mom knows me well tho and knows I like to be girly and I need all the help I can get with that since I don't have a uterus.

This pattern is my favorite, but plaid is very in this year, and I also love the pattern on this aztec one.

ANYWAY look how cute it is on me! And wanna know the best part?! The sizing is CUSTOMIZABLE! The coat mom got me fits me perfectly, which is nice cuz I have super awkward proportions.

Every coat is handmade by a woman named Cristel and she is freakin awesome. She's in this article, like a boss.

There are 2 layers of fleece and the collar can actually be popped. Which is obviously how I wear it. It's really warm and I even can deal with pooing outside instead of making mom walk thru the parking garage. Big deal guys.

And I can't keep this to myself! As my birthday present FROM me, I want to give one to an awesome pup out there! You just gotta follow my mom on some shit so you can get updates/pictures of me always.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!

Looking For Some New Jewelry?

Then you're gonna want to keep reading!

And I know I kinda stopped existing at the end of the week last week. It was my first week at my new position and I was exhausted. So much so, that I scheduled this post and didn't publish it. Smooth move exlax.

ANYWAY. This is a post I'm excited about because one of my sponsors from a little while back has a jewelry etsy shop and I wanna share some of my favorites out of her awesome items with you today!

First- it's just about gifting season so you gotta check out Jenny's shop

Second- how fucking cute are her items!?

Here are the ones I picked out, and now wear on the regs!

black beaded silver bar bracelet

sparkle accent bracelet

dainty turquoise side cross

They're great to wear with pretty much everything and holiday parties are a great time for an arm party! (get it?!) Really tho, Jenny is awesome and I love the items I have. They're comfortable and could easily but made to fit your wrist.

Jenny is an amazing shop owner too and totally wants her customers to be happy! She was great to work with for sure!

Here are my wish list items for my next purchase!

So make sure you go check out her shop- Hole In Her Stocking Designs, and go say hi to her on her blog!

Meet My Favorite Texas to North East Transplant!

8 Things Every Happy Woman Should Have

Tami and Erin from Thought Catalog

1. A go to drink
I have a go to drink for every situation. Wine at home, Godiva on the rocks when it's cold out and I'm not drinking a lot, vodka tonic when I'm out getting hammered, beers when I'm staying in and getting hammered, and prosecco and St. Germain when I'm out to din.

2. A go to karaoke song
A "go to karaoke drink" is more accurate. I will naht do karaoke ever. Period. I will however sing any 90's pop song WAY too loud for anyones preference. Also Africa by Toto is my fucking jam. So if anything- it'd be Africa.

3. A uniform
As in my go to outfit? But you didn't want to use the words "go to" again? This would depend on the situation too. But at home it's boxers and a tshirt. In public- if it's winter it's jeans, boots and a sweater and in summer a dress.

4. A hair stylist they love
I'm pretty much failing at this. I don't have one. Whoever is offering a cut and color on groupon at the moment.

5. An exercise routine
That's hilarious. I do watch a lot of action movies tho.

6. A hobby
Wouldn't this count? Also doing all unproductive things.

7. A best friend
HP, Stephen, Tom, Lil. Not necessarily in that order. People who say you can only have one best friends are fuckers.

8. A healthy sense of self
I'm a princess sooo that's pretty much all I gotta sense.

I got a great girl you absolutely need to meet. And she's freaking awesome, plus she has a recipe for Pizza Roll Up. UM DELICIOUS. Really tho.

When and why did you start blogging?
1. I started blogging at the very end of July. I started a blog after thinking about it for a year or so and realizing I was never going to get a reality show on E! about our crazy busy life. :)

Meet My Favorite Texas to North East Transplant!

Pretty Little Office Tings

I started my new position yesterday! I am working in Marketing, specifically working to optimize our company's website. ANYWAY since I'm at a new desk, in a new office, I really want to decorate and make everything super pretty.

Problem 1. 
I share my office with 4 other people

Problem 2.
I have basically no wall space

But I was obviously on pinterest and brainstorming so I put together some super cute, inexpensive and pretty office tings that are on my To Get list. If I ever get around to it.

one // two // three // four // five // six

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!

I'm An Emoji!

This weekend, ohhh this weekend.

We went to the Halloween party I mentioned in my drunk vlog that I was going to. It was a mess. I played slap-a-hoe which equals instadrunk.

Tom went as a Brawny paper towel man. We didn't get a picture because I suck. But I did get a few mirror pics of my sahhhweeet costume. I kept posing just so everyone would know for sure who I was.

We slept til 12 and then woke up, took out the dog, and ordered Chinese food. And then we played Indiana Jones Lego until it froze and then we fell asleep. Literally. Lil, Tom and I all napped. From 3pm to 7:30pm. Jealous? Yea I know. Plus we woke up, ate more Chinese and watched 30 Rock for 5 hours. 

We had a much more productive day on Sunday. We went to the outlets and to a near by vineyard for brunch. It was wonderful. 

What a cutie right? The food was really good and duh the wine was great. 

Andddddd then I got a salted caramel latte and fell in love. 

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!

Do You Reheat Your Pizza?

Soooooooooooo I vlogged. Again. And I drank before. Again.

my OTHER drunk vlog
Kenny Vloggins aka Kenny Loggins didn't sing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough"
Star Wars chopsticks (I have Darth Vader's)

ALSO. I just watched that sober and I am completely mental. Please still be my friend.

Always Ashten

Despite my stupidity and ridiculousness, you should totally come meet my girl Elizabeth. If you aren't obsessed with her eyes and hair (not creepy right?) you will be obsessed with her after reading her blog. I mean with "I'm definitely a little weird." in her about me section, try to act like you don't love her.

1. When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging right after I graduated college. I wasn’t having a ton of luck finding a job and I needed something to fill the empty hours. I’m so glad I chose blogging to do that because the people I’ve met and the posts I read on a daily basis are amazing.

2. What is your favorite post you've written and why?
I wrote a post called ‘How To Talk To An Introvert’ that I love. Introversion is a reality for about 1/4 of the population but it’s still highly misunderstood so I had a lot of fun giving advice while getting a little 23 year built up rant off my chest.

3. What has been the best part about decorating your new house? Did you post about it?
Womp. I live with my parents. But I did take over my brother’s old room and give it a paint makeover complete with a chalkboard wall. I plan to blog about it whenever I get my lazy self around to uploading the pictures. I do blog about living at home though on the regular.

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!