
Insta Dump: I'm Not Getting Married..

So Tom and I are great and all but we're not ready to get married. But pinterest weddings wait for no ring! So I'm gonna do a wedding themed post. Relax about it, I'll let y'all know when things go down. And if you appreciate this post go check out the party planning insta dump and the first insta dump I did.

bride and groom champagne gasses
Fashionable chick, awesome instagram.

bachelorette picture
UM ADORABLE I'M DYING. Also can't find her instagram account..

open back wedding dress
sooo purrrty. These chicks know what they're doing.

bride sash
Fashion, make up, and such a cute sash!

long sleeve wedding dress
Sleeves on this dress are everything. YES SMP.

gold sequin bridesmaid dresses

glitter picture frame table numbers
I need to buy everything on this site. And I love their instagram.
wedding hankerchief
HA. But really, this is completely accurate. The knot is synonymous with weddings. 

bridesmaids gifts
LC always knows the deal.

SO GOOD RIGHT? I mean, you know, when you're ready for it.


Justifying Purchases

I don't know about you all but I'm a shopper. Like, annoying amounts of shopping.

Sale on H&M.com? Bought 6 things.
Sale at Target? No problem, I have a Target card.
Happen to be at the jeweler? I probably need that ring.
On amazon.com to buy a replacement blender blade? Buy all the things.
Returned something to Marshalls? FREE MONEY TO SPEND.

It's bad. I try and reign myself in. And about 60% of the I do ok. Unless I've bought something online that I can't return to a store. Then I'm fucked. (I'm not great at shipping returns) But I'm usually buying things that are discounted (hello poshmark) but whether or not it's discounted, I've come up with a great (in my opinion) way to justify those big purchases. Or the little ones.

Here's what you do:
1. if you can, research to get the best price. if you can't or don't have time, skip this one.
2. decide how much you would realistically pay to use or wear the item one time.
3. think about how many times you will realistically use or wear the item.
get ready for a tiny bit of math!
4. multiply your one-time price (#2) by your number of uses (#3)
5. if the answer to #4 is the same price or more expensive than the cost of the item, it's worth it!

My rull life example:
Tom and I host a St. Paddy's Day party every year. We live right on the parade route so on parade day all three of our friends come over and we kinda go all out. And by that I mean I buy a bunch of unnecessary but VERY necessary green shit. See below.

st Patrick's day 2015
Our favorite bar actually gave us this because I gave the bar tender one of my Samoas Girl Scout Cookies.
Also yes, those are OTK bright green boots.
You're like, "what does this EVEN have to do with justifying purchases?!" Well, you can't just drink anything on St Patrick's Day. You have a few options: Irish whiskey, Irish beer, or Budweiser/Bud Light shamrock aluminum bottles. Or any other beer or drink in a green cup.

ANYWAY Tom and I were in Stop&Shop and saw a thermos that looked like a 16 oz beer can specifically for the occasion. Except it was $10. So now I do my whole justification process and I think, I'd pay $5 to use this once. And I'll have this for AT LEAST 2 years. So I'm good to go!

It was totally worth it.

A photo posted by Adriana (@acosta093) on

Also- green mustaches for $2 OBV worth it. Really that was a post to tell you about my sweet beer thermos just as much as it was about justifying purchases.



For Easter,  my amazing cousins got me a magnum bottle of wine (because they know me very well) and these REALLY cute stemless wine glasses with a tiny chalkboard on each one and they even came with chalk.

So after taking these two photos and putting them on instagram..

...I realized I loved the idea of dressing up/taking selfies with my wine glass with some little note on it!

I also decided that it needed to have a proper hashtag. I went through a few iterations and settled on #winenotez which is wonderful. But that wasn't what I really wanted. So then it just came to me, #WINEGLASSDIARIES and now it's a thing and I'm excited to do so many more pictures like that!

Keep your pealed for the pics and the hashtag on all my social media! (the links are down there, so I'm going to be lazy about it. I may even start taking suggestions..

social media


Insta Dump: Party Time

Remember this post? My phone is once again at capacity, and I gotta dump that shizzz onto pinterest. And you all know you have about 4543 screen shots of instagram posts. It's time to TAKE A LOAD OFF! And since I have so many pics I'm gonna do a few posts. First up: party/entertaining themed!

mini pepper garland
I can't get enough of this lady's blog or instagram.

pink and gold party palate
Another party talent! Blog and instagram. Check it out.
Kate Spade inspired party menu
ADORBS right?

address template
SUCH a good call for DIY invites that look adorable. BUY ONE.

floral gold lace crown
Seriously tho? You need one. And follow the shit out of them

personalized tassel wine charms - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
Great instagram account and cute shop

caligraphy wine bottle bags - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
This chick has it ALL going on

gold embossed pink napkins - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
neeeeeed these for every party ever. Here's where to look.

neon cork coasters - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
Such a cute and cheap idea! I know it's a wedding site but still.

gold rimmed envelopes - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
DIY again. And gold. I'm so in. And so obsessed with her instagram.

ombre invitations - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
totally DIYable but I love this shop
baseball cake - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
So, perfect groom's birthday cake for Tom. GG is my jam

bachelorette party invites - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
rando intagrammer.. BUT HOW CUTE?!

cork boat place cards - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
1. adorable instagram name 2. adorable crafts 

simple cake - Dog Hair Is An Accessory
cute little blog and shop.
flower chandelier diy
I have the biggest girl crush on her and her blog.

pocky cake
This post is awesome. And this cake by Stir & Scribble is genius.
love cake banner
This little momma blogger and her bebes are adorable.

You're welcome.


Lemme Just Have It!

No, I didn't leave forever.

I was busy with an ass ton of work stuff and then I was at the Click Z Live conference in NYC. Any marketing folks out there? If you are, check that shit out! It was really fun and I got a lot to bring home to the office.

Anyway now that I'm done with that rando plug for a marketing conference..

I started writing my post about the bar I talked about in this post, but it started getting really long in a "oh kayyyyyyy let's wrap this up" kind of way. So I'll have to consolidate a bit before I post that little gem.

THIS post (now that I'm 5 paragraphs in) is about social media names. I've been thinking about changing my shit for a bit (rhyminggg) and it's SUPER annoying. I want to change everything to Bevla. Tom call's me Bev or when he's mad, Beverly. It's a long story. But I want it. And there are SO MANY BEVLAs IN THIS WORLD. This is Bevla the orig's profile:

bevla's twiitter - Dog Hair Is An Accessory

Also Bovla is taken by this fucking asshole. (slash their stupid twerpy son probably made it for them)

bovla's twiitter - Dog Hair Is An Accessory

Someone in the Bover/Bovla family has piss poor grammar.

But really Bovla and Bevla? What have you been doing since 2009 and 2010 (respectively)? Because you are jacking my shit UP.

At least the Bevla woman on instagram seems nice. She's got a cute little kid and she actually has 67 posts.

bevla's instagram- Dog Hair Is An Accessory

I mean it's fine. I guess I'll just stick with my rando names that don't match up on any social media. I'm over it.
