If you haven't read this little blog of mine lately, or if you don't follow me on instagram or twitter, you may not know- Tom, Lil and I moved! We moved one floor up in the same building we were in. Once we're all fixed up settled in, I'll do a little tour for y'all!
Until then I actually have a desk to type at so maybe I will post more often? I do have a little something in the works and honestly until that is a go, I still will probably be a bit sporadic.
This isn't an apology or update-on-my-life post tho. It's a fashion post. Say whaaaa? Yea, I've been picking out outfits for everything lately. Ugly sweater party, decorating the family tree, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years.. gahh the list goes on and on. So when Brilliant Earth contacted me about participating in their Personality Style Challenge, I was basically like,
This one is my going shopping/running errands/weekend lunch date outfit. Boyfriend cut jeans and booties are a must. And of course this time of year a cozy sweater is a given. Neutrals all the way. And to add a bit of sparkle and a tiny splash of that gorgeous purple- some diamond accents can't hurt! Plus the smooth finish on the white gold band and the pendant give a casual but girly look. And now I want all these items.
My second outfit choice is in clear contrast to the first one, obviously. This is my Titanic Fancy Party outfit. You know, when everyone got super dressed up and went to that fantastic party in the ballroom? (well not everyone but still) I mean we'll ignore the fact that the ship sunk. This is a "look at me" outfit for sure. Sequin dress, stiletto pumps, big fur coat and bling coming out the wazoo. Tell me that ring isn't on everyone dream list. And having blingy studs and that incredibly awesome diamond infinity necklace completes the glam look for sure.
Those are the outfits I'm lusting over. Diamonds and all. Also I will be doing a DIY for my ugly sweater party that I will get up on here. Even tho it's a bit late in the season for a tutorial!

Meet A DIY Queen and Self Proclaimed Cat Lady!