SPD: Glitzy Ring Holder

WOO second week in a row with Saw It, Pinned It, Did It!

SUPER CRAFTY UP IN HEAAAA (sorry about that..)

I’m sharing my sparkly, bejewewled, glittery, purply, pink framed ring holder!
I pinned this a while ago and thought it was ADORABLE. Then saw it on Meg’s post about manicures and was like I realllly want to do that. So now here we are!

Disclaimer: I am NOT engaged. I have a ring I wear always and THAT (until further notice) will be the only ring on this holder.

So here we go!

Step 1. Gather materials

I got everything from Michaels. The tiny frame, glitter paint writer, pins and gems. I had the ribbon at home.

Step 2. Start adding sparkles!

I didn’t plan any of it out because I’m lazy and easily frustrated fun and spontaneous. Which is also the reason I got the gems with sticky backs so I didn't have to glue them on. Then I randomly added the glitter glue.

Step 3. "Measure" the ribbon and cut it so it fits in the frame

I suggest waiting for the glitter glue to dry. I also suggest using ribbon just wide enough to fit in and cover the whole opening. Mark it and cut the ribbon

Step 4. Add the pin

Poke your pin through the the frame opening. (The frame I got had thin plastic instead of glass so I just poked it through the plastic and the ribbon) Then once the frame is closed and secured, bend the pin so that it sticks out from the frame.

Step 5. Hang your bling!

YAYY it looks so cute! Tom was impressed. THANKS TOM. I’m prob gonna make one for the kitchen sink too.

And here it is in its new home! (With my last SPD project)

Come follow me on Pinterest

also linked up with LisetteJamie and Bre


  1. so proud of your craftiness!! work it girl!!!! cant wait to see what other kinds of rings this will be holder in the future ;)

  2. I love the pin your used!!! My heavy college ring bent the pin the first time!! Im so glad you got some inspiration!!!

  3. That's a GENIUS idea! I always take off my rings and lay them on my nightstand...always afraid of knocking it over. I might have to do that :)

  4. love it!! that would be an awesome gift!

  5. you so crafty. putting Martha to shame.

  6. That looks awesome, I love it!
