I'm Tired. And I'm Giving Things Away.

So I have been the worst blogger in America lately and I'm sorry! A lot of shit has been going on (mostly I'm still fucking exhausted from the wedding) and I just can't handle my life. Please forgive me and know that Monday I should be back to normal with my life in some kind of order. Really the only reason I'm here today is because I have a giveaway for you! And to remind you that our Boozy Bloggers Giveaway is OVER so check your email today because I will be emailing the winners in the morning! And duh, enter Sarah's sponsors giveaway!! And keep on celebrating America's birthday!!
Family pic

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  1. ahh your fourth of july family pic is adorable! xo

  2. I'm soooo sad I didn't win the boozy giveaway :( Oh well, another try here!!

  3. dont' feel bad - i couldn't handle my shit today either. boo.
