

Lil is naht of fan of dress up. Unfortunately for her, her mom is.

Dressing up pups is pretty much the best part of Halloween. And you didn't think I'd let you get thru this wonderful holiday without sharing Lil pictures did you?!
Poor tin. At this point she has no idea what she was in for. This wasn't even taken on Halloween, I just saw the costume on sale at Target.com and bought it. By the time her first real Halloween came around she was too big to fit in the costume anyway. Whatevs tho. She's cute.

So here she is on her first real Halloween. A little too small. Although she looks the same amount of uncomfortable.
This was her most fitting costume. She didn't appreciate the suggestion that she was a bad dog but this was during her "off the fucking wall, drive my mom to lose her shit constantly" phase so it really worked.

Then we dressed her up as Superpup. Obviously she hated that too. But then I had a brilliant idea.
I mean, we didn't do anything because it was a Wednesday night or something. But when Lil was all dressed up and adorable, no respectable dog mom would allow a photo opp like this to pass. I made Tom put on his Superman jammies and then snapped away. How amazing is that picture tho?

And thru the years, she's been dressed up like a princess a fewwww times.

This is one of my favorites. This is when she was really tiny. This little party princess tutu is a kitten dress! No way she could fit in that now. Honestly, she would Hulk the shit out of it.
Anutie L bought her her this crown and I obviously fell in love with it. Infact, it won her Smiler Of The Week on the daily bark. NBD GUYS.
I wanted to buy this one at the pet store but Tom said no. So I made Lil try it on. It looked phenom, obv.

This year, her auntie got her an amazing Halloween party collar and I'm obsessed with it.

Also this year, Lil got THE most adorable coat (she gets cold on her walks ok?!) and I will be sharing more about that later. Besides dying when we got it because it's so cute I thought- DUH Lil could be a ladybug! But I didn't get her a little antenna headband so she's just warm and cute for Halloween.


And now for a treat (not a trick-get it?!) I have a hilarious girl who blogs about her life, her dogs and the ridiculousness that comes with living pretttty far from the big city. You'll want to check her out. You can thank me later.

1. When and why did you start blogging? 
I thought about blogging for a long time before I actually started a blog. When I started blogging back in February, I was recently engaged and figuring out my new life in the country. I wanted a place to document how different rural living was from anything I was used to, as well as my destination wedding planning adventures. It quickly morphed into a place for me to just spew about life, and I’m so glad! It feels more like “me” now that I’m not boxing myself into a select few topics.

2. What is your favorite post you've written and why? 

Hmm...this is a hard one. I had a lot of fun writing a post (for a Tall Tails link-up actually!) in which I narrated the dogs’ thoughts and determined that they would be potty-mouths if they could talk. I also loved a post that I wrote about how grateful I am that I started blogging, and one where I shared quirky facts about my awesome husband-to-be, Mr. B.
 3. What has been the best part about decorating your new house? Did you post about it? 

Making it our home. We’ve made so many changes, (we replaced 90% of the flooring and repainted every room in the house) and now it feels like “us”. We made the decisions and did all of the work together, so now we have a home that really reflects who we are – and I love it! I haven’t posted much about it yet, but I plan to show off before and after photos soon!

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!
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Harry Potter: Cupid of the Wizarding World

FYI: I have another HP post I wrote a little while ago too, you should read it.

Harry Potter link-up

I've said for a while that I wanted to share how Tom and I started dating and when I heard that there was a HP link up, I figured this would be as good a time as any since HP is what really brought us together.

Tom and I met at work. He actually worked with my mom (lucky him) and then I started working there right before a new software was rolled out. When the software rolled out, Tom trained everyone in the department including me.

We hit it off right away. And then we hated each other. Really tho, we fought a few times. I'm not a greatttt/patient student. Anyway we got over the fighting part. And we started really getting along.

Because the only thing on my mind was HP, we talked about it a lot. I was about to go to the new The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios in Florida. I came to find out Tom's sister also loved Harry Potter but Tom had always refused to see it. So one day, I decided to fill him in on the story.

Aka I went scene by scene (movie and book versions) from 4 Privit Drive to finally kicking Voldemort's ass. It took about an hour and a half.

After "training" for about a month and then hanging out outside of work for a few months, I decided if things are going to ANYWHERE with us, I would need him to watch Harry Potter.

So we watched all the movies that were out in 2 nights. And then we went to see Deathly Hallows parts one and two so obviously he made the right choice.

Now, we watch one of the movies as we fall asleep every night. And Lil knows it's bed time when she hears the opening music. And Tom has beat me in Harry Potter Scene It. And he quotes the movies all the time. Reading the books is next.

Later on, aka 2 years later, I found out that the moment that Tom really fell for me, was when I was telling him about Harry Potter's journey and apparently I started it all off with, "Voldemort tried to kill Harry, and Harry's mom was like nahhhh"

I'm fucking charming as shit. And I made this.

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!

Whas Happenin

Here's what's happening. Keep in mind I'm writing this on Monday. Not Tuesday. Aka not today. Written yesterday. Ok you got it.

I start my new position on Monday. Woo! Except as of right now I'm at an infant sized desk with massive wires behind me that if I roll into and unplug, will shut down operations on the floor. 


Tom and I went to NYC this weekend and it was amazing. We visited Tom's cousins and they were prob the best hosts ever. We ate so many yummies (including Shake Shack for the first time) and saw a Frightened Rabbit concert and got German drunk at Zum Shnider on Friday. Then watched the Sox game and did nothing all day Saturday.
Tom's liter of beer and someone else's pint. Tom finished his first.

On the way to the city, we were on the train looking out the window. There was a minor league baseball park and in the next parking lot there were about 6 elephants. FUCKING ELEPHANTS. Turns out the circus was in town but for fuck sake I was NOT expecting elephants. I screamed a little. 

During the concert the lead singer went up to the balcony and someone offered him a tequila shot. He took it like a champ, had the lime and threw the lime into the crowd. Guess what? IT HIT ME. Why is this my life?

Lily made friends at the kennel over the weekend which is BIG news. Her bestie is apparently a husky pitt mix named Chewy. She's in love with him. Also she hasn't had any reproductive organs since she was 6 weeks old so I applaud her attempt at puppy love. 
attempting to make more friends

I got a pumpkin spice latte for the first time ever yesterday. #itsucked. 

This is the text I got from my dad this morning.
Just taking every precaution. 

And I have a dentist appointment today.

Do you see why I didn't have a post ready for Monday morning?

Parmesan Truffle Tots

I was gonna vlog like a boss but then I didn't get drunk. Plus I made a tasty treat for din and I just had to share it with you all. I give you, Parmesan Truffle Tots

-frozen tots

-dried parsley (a few pinches)

-shredded or grated parmesan cheese (grated is better)

-truffle oil

-cook tots according to directions on package (I used half the package)

-put tots in a bowl and add parsley

-drizzle truffle oil over tots and mix with a fork (it smells really strong but I ended up adding more truffle oil after I tasted one)

-put on a serving plate and add parmesan

-eat all the tots

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!

7 Deadly Sins

Shane from Whisper Sweet Nothings is hosting a fun, Halloween themed link up and seeing as I was one of the seven deadly sins a few years ago, I figured I would participate! I just copied and pasted all the graphics and filled in my answers so feel free to do the same, and then link up so I can creep on you.

seven great things in your life.
1. Completely amazing friends
2. A dog that has taught me patience and unconditional love
3. The fact that I haven't be driven to insanity by my family
4. The most incredible guy I've ever met and his love
5. Baby snickers
6. My new (super exciting) job
7.  Wine

seven things you lack and covet.
1. More expendable income
2. A motivation to work out
3. A car that doesn't make 3289470324 noises it shouldn't
4. More free time
5. A completely trained dog
6. Serious cooking/baking skills
7. Not having anxiety

seven things that make you angry.
1. Stupid people
2. My mother
3. When people don't listen
4. Fake people
5.  Running out of toilet paper
6. People not keeping their dogs on a leash in public
7.  That 30 Rock is only 7 seasons (it's the best show on the planet.)

seven things that you neglect to do.
1. Exercise
2. Respond to emails
3. Go to the grocery store
4. Do laundry
5.  Keep in touch with long distance friends
6. Tweeze/ do anything with my eyebrows
7. Vacuum

seven worldly material desires.
1. A new car
2.  A new bed set (specifically this one)
3.  Sparkly jewelry
4.  A private jet/ unlimited plane tickets
5.  A huge apartment in the city
6.  Gold iPhone
7.  All the craft supplies

seven guilty pleasures.
1. Baby snickers
2. Shopping
3. Truffle fries
4. High heels
5. Nail polish
6. Napping and netflix mid-day
7. Crime solving shows

seven things you love about love.
1. Harrassing him before bed
2. When my stomach flips when he's all dressed up
3. Arguing for the same side
   4. His hugs when I need them most
5. His smile (especially when I put it there)
6. The shorthand we have
7. Those moments when I look over and he isn't paying attention and I smile cuz he's my boyfriend and we're living in our apartment with our dog and I'm so lucky that's the case and it makes me want to dance

Meet My Favorite Texas to North East Transplant!

Halloween Through The Years

As I've mentioned- this years costume is a surprise. Why? Who the fuck knows. I doubt anyone gives a shit. But I decided to give you a peek into Halloween's Past. You're welcome. Also there is a video at the end of the post that starts automatically so go pause that and then come back up here.

Coked out Lois Lane (with Drunk Superman) we shared the pair of glasses. Also, this was obv last minute.

Belle (with a distinguished gentleman) Tom's mom basically made the whole costume except for the corset. It was AMAZING and everyone was jealous.
Belle, Snow White, Arora, Ariel (post legs, pre dress), Cinderella

Ring Master
this was a Halloween fail because I have 1 picture of it. Without my sweet hat, and you can't see any of my outfit.

Sloth (7 Deadly Sins)


always a lady


Peter Pan
and this is the best costume picture I could find. whatev


this is a missing year that I, nor anyone else can figure out what I was

Risky business

Also- you're welcome again.
Venus Trapped in Mars

Meet One Hilarious Doggy Mom!