
Easy Fancy-Sounding Dinner- Linguini with White Clam Sauce

I’m really not so great at cooking. And because of that I refuse to cook. I've probably made 5 meals in the year and a half we've been in our apartment.If Tom didn’t cook for me I’d prob have eggos and peanut butter or ice cream and tots for dinner every night. (Really I try to have that anyway but Lil judges me) Tom has faith in me tho. He’s either blinded by love, training me to be a good housewife one day or he’s an idiot. Jury's out. I’m at about .500 as far as meals go (NBD that’s a baseball thing. See I’ll be a great wife even if I can’t cook) Really tho, I fail MISERABLY half the time. Then I take Tom out to din or I order out. The other half of the time I do alright but clearly nothing good enough to make it on the food network.

My mom knows I’m a kitchen dud so she gave us marinade/sauce packets that are realllllly easy and you just have to buy pasta or instant rice and meat. I was all excited cuz I’m like ok, there’s no way I can fuck this up! We (keep in mind the “WE” part) decided on shrimp scampi and a few days later it was d-day (aka the day I’d make din) Tom had gone out on break to get the linguini.  So we’re sitting at lunch and Tom says, “I wanna tell you now so you don’t get mad at me later, but I don’t like shrimp scampi.” Honestly? THIS is the reason I’m as crazy as I am.

So we whisper argue in the break room for a few minutes and finally he’s like, "Well we can make this" and points to the recipe on the pasta box. K. Great. Linguini with white clam sauce it is.

He made me make it when we got home (since he went BACK out to get clams and parsley) but I DID IT and it was reallll good. And If I can make it I swear you can!

The Ingredients
- 1 package linguini
- 3 cans minced clams (6 1/2 oz each)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon ground back pepper
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1/2 cup parsley
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Wine isn't listed but it's DEFINITELY a must. I recommend anywhere from 3 glasses to a bottle.

1. Before boiling the water, add a bit of olive oil and salt to the water. Then chop up the garlic, and parsley and open the cans of clams. 
2. Cook the pasta according to the directions
3. Lightly brown garlic in hot oil
4. Remove from heat and add all other ingredients (including clam sauce in the cans)
5. Cook over low heat for about 5 minutes or until heated through
6. Drain pasta
7. Pour sauce over pasta and serve

Finished product!

SO GOOD. I know the final picture isn't amazing but again it's with my phone so gimme a break. I also know that there are a few stray linguini that are hanging out, but they wanted to be in the picture too. Plus I'm messy and shit happens. 

Linked up with Lisette & Catalyn and Tori & Brittany and Jessica & Ashley

NY Weekend Shenanigans

This weekend Tom's parents took Tom and I to New York and we visited his sister, L and her fiance, J. Here's the thing, I know it's lame, but I am superrr esssausted (sound it out/ say it aloud. you'll hear it) and I just can'ttttt put up all the pictures and write an interesting post about this weekend. I'll say one thing- it was fucking fun. We had an incredible time staying with L and J (thanks guys! such great hosts!) and Tom's parents are amazing and I must say I'm lucky to be included in so many family activities because it's always a great time.

I'll give you guys a quick deal of what we did and I'll get more detailed when I'm not falling asleep but duh I gotta at least share a little for weekend shenanigans!

-Molly's Irish pub for lunch
-Hung out and happy hour at L&J's apartment
-Dinner with Tom's parents, L, J and Tom's cousins 
-Drinking heavily at L&J's 
-Bar drinking from 1am-4am
L and I. Did I mention I loveeee her?

-Slept in forever
-Walked around Madison Square Park
-Got Vienna sausage aka hang over food
-DSW (got a pair of shoes duh)
-Went to La Maison du Macaron (got 3)
-Nap and watched Ghost Rider 2
-Went to Tom's cousins for dinner
-Saw Jekyll and Hyde at the Marquis Theater (SO good!!)
-Early night

So pretty and SOO delish! If you live in NY you gotta go!

-J made breakfast
-Got a picture of Lil enjoying the kennel
-Went for a walk
-Had lunch at B & B
-Said goodbyes
-Slept on the way home
-Stopped by my family's house for my Dad's birthday
-Wrote this post
How CREEPY is Lil? Staring at other dogs having a moment. We hope the other dogs
owners didn't get this picture... plus it looks like she has 3 legs. A W K W A R D.
I added some pictures so don't get too cranky. 
Also-- did you see my #selfie on Sarah's post?! Check it out! She's awesome!

Hope you all had a good weekend!

linked up with Sami and Bre and Lisette & Rachel

Big Bootyz and Empanadas


I’m either about to leave, on the way to, or currently enjoying NEWW YOWKKKK! (I hope you can hear that in your head the way I’m saying it) We dropped off Lil at the kennel so she could have playtime with her friends (and a much needed bath) while we're away.

Now that I think of it I should have had someone guest post for me. WELP I have a bunch of Friday’s off coming up so I’ll be better about that.

SINCE I’M NOT A GOOD PLANNER, I’m just gonna tell you a quick story about my favorite person from work. She’s awesome and super sweet and she alwayssss is sharing food with me. (insta-friend tactic) For example, she shares her POPs in the morning, brings me in cake (best baker EVER) and sooo muchhh Spanish foooooddd.
Cake she made for her nephew

Rando (and DELICIOUS) empanadillo because she loves me. Also I
was the one who took those bites. I couldn't wait til after the picture.
Besides being all the above she is pretty hilarious. She somehow gets herself into so much shit but she can always laugh about it. (a skill I’m working on) My new favorite story from her is one she told me earlier this week.

She’s been telling me about how she’s starting to work out again and how she’s running every day. She’s been running around her neighborhood lately. So the other day she’s running past some local store fronts and comes up on a liquor store. What does she do? Well duh. She stops and buys a bottle of Hennessey. She then walks out with the bottle in a brown paper bag, promptly turns around, goes back in and gets a plastic bag with handles.

And then, because she’s a fucking champ, she puts the bag on her arm and runs back home.

Obviously I died when she told me since she tried really hard to pretend like this was a normal thing to do. Also I’m gonna find a liquor store a couple miles away, run there, grab some wine, run home and prob have 4 glasses. What better motivation is there?

This #backthatazzup Friday is dedicated to her.
Birthday Song (Explicit) ft. Kanye West by 2 Chainz on Grooveshark

I'll be back with details of my trip on Monday! Have a great weekend bitchesssss

p.s. if you live the the New England area and want a cake for a special occasion email me and I'll give you her info or follow her on instagram @cupcaking_b

linked up with Tiffany and Whitney

Weekend Getaway Packing

After pinning the packing pins from yesterday's post, I decided I would use them to inspire a better packing self.

I’m notorious for being an horrible packer. I can’t help it. I can n e v e r decide what to wear so when I pack I have to bring everything I might wear. Either that or I get overwhelmed and pack a bunch of things I like but that don’t even begin to work together to make an acceptable outfit.

One of my biggest problems is shoes. I love them. When we went to Vegas for a friend’s wedding a couple years ago I brought one suitcase of clothes, one suitcase of shoes and then made Tom take the dress bag with my dresses. That is why, ladies and gentlemen, we fly Southwest- bags fly fo free. Also when I say “a suitcase” I mean one of the extra large ones that extend out to fit more shit. I think I brought 12 pairs. Don’t you even judge. It’s Vegas. Plus a girl needs options.

I also like packing in advance. The longer the trip the further in advance I have to pack. Otherwise I have a full on anxiety attack. For real. Ask Tom aka Mr. Last Minute. I end up yelling and freaking out. Honestly I’ve probably cried over it.

When Tom and I do weekend trips he tries to rationalize with me- “We’re only there for 3 days.” “We’ll  be walking around the city all day, you won’t need 4 pairs of 5in heels” “You don’t need 3 different purses, you just end up bringing your wallet around anyway” “It’s going to be nice, I’m sure you won’t need your parka”

Poor kid. He tries so hard.
Lil being SUPER helpful

I think I did a good job for this weekend tho because I literally researched shit. Yes really. Weather, activities, general fashion mood (as far as the girls on the trip were concerned) and those pins that told me how to pack a weekender bag. Here’s what I ended up with:

I packed my JPK Paris Weekender via Rue La La (you have to sign up to look at the site but it's more than worth it, trust me! There is a similar one available now! $28 people!) It's bigger than my Longchamp Le Pilage which I used to use but this one fits more shit. Here's a pic to show you the size. (plus it comes with a dirty laundry bag!)

Here's what went in the bag (or on hangers)-

1.    Blazer
2.    Cardigan/Jean jacket
3.    Dress (night out)
4.    Cute tank
5.    Light sweater
6.    Colorful blouse
1.    Skinny jeans
2.    Maxi skirt
1.    Sperry Top Siders
2.    Bright colored wedges
3.    Dressy pumps
4.    Boots (jic it's colder. this weather is a bitch)

*note: I don’t have a jean jacket.. but if I did, I would have brought it instead of my cardigan..

Here is a pretty close version of what I'm packing that I put together since phone pics are pissing me off. The only not-true-to-life items are the jean jacket, and the polkadot sweater (but I loved it) Also! All the clothing items are under $50 and the shoes are all (except the Target wedges) at DSW so you can find them on sale!
Weekend Packing

Weekend Packing by easypeasyglam featuring sleeveless tops

Linking up with Jaimie and Dawn

Packing Pinterest- Style

It's Wednesday. THANK CHRIST. 

I serrrrriously need a vacation (wooo happening this weekend!) I get super cranky at around 3:30 everyday at work and then my mind wanders to bigger, better things. For example:
-had a hypothetical bitch fest at kids I hate from high school
-planned my sister's 21st birthday
-thought about how my hair would look straight (haven't straighten it since I got it cut)
-what my bridesmaid dress was gonna look like
-L & J's wedding
-what I'm packing for the weekend
-shwarma and macaroons that I'll be eating this weekend

Really tho, I'm all over the place after 3:30. Usually that means pinterest time y'alllllllll! I decided to focus on packing. And since Tom FREAKS OUT if he thinks I'm over packing I looked up some packing magic.

If you guys have weekend trips coming up, I'm gonna tell you guys what I think should be packed in a weekend bag in tomorrows post!
Linking up with Marquis & Samantha & Rebekah, and Michelle and Jane

Showing Off My Dog

I have SO MUCH to do at work today but when I realized that Mallory had her Claws to Paws link up today I was like well, fuck it. Priorities you know!

Meet Lily.

Tom had been looking into getting a dog for months. We looked at breeders, shelters, rescues but he couldn’t really decide. We got a message from our friend who works at the shelter (who later got us the DNA kit) and she sent us this picture.

Lil and 8 of her brothers and sisters were dropped off together. We actually thought she was a boy but I instantly knew that little ting would be our dog. (I say our, but at that point Tom and I didn’t live together so he was technically his) I was away for the weekend with family and told Tom he wasn’t allowed to go without me. I immediately started showing my family pictures saying “Tom’s gonna get this dog!”

I got back from my vaca weekend Sunday afternoon and Tom picked me right up and we headed to the local  CT Humane Society. Tom and I went in, saw her, and fell in love. She was 8 weeks old and perfect. Tiny, round, snuggly and warm and awkward.

We didn’t want to make a snap decision (who were we kidding) so we went home so we could sleep on it. The next day Tom took the morning off and when she was brought back out to him it was like her tiny puppy self recognized him. And that was that. I took the second half of the day off and since then she’s been in our lives!

We named her Lily after Harry Potter’s mother (it was a big part of how Tom and I  got together) but she quickly became “Lil” since Lily seems too graceful for her personality.

She’s the definition of a mutt. At the shelter we were told she was an American Bulldog and Lab mix. Which she probably is. And then our friend gave us a DNA test for Christmas and when we got the results back, they said she was Pit Bull, Boxer and German Shepherd. She is DEFINITELY a boxer. I know this because about 4 times a day she punches Tom in the crotch with both front paws. She fights/plays dirty.

She passed puppy kindergarten (because she’s a show off and an incredible actress) but it’s been SO HARD training her. She’s got SO MUCH ENERGY and literally can not calm herself down. As she gets older we’re starting to see her mature tho and she’s even good enough to sleep on the couch now! (most nights)

She’s amazing and annoying and crazy and loving and obnoxious and wonderful. We love her and she loves us. She’s become the center of our tiny fam. She plays fetch NON-STOP for hours, she's my running buddy and she can even play wiffle ball! She can "high five" and play dead and she's too smart for her own good. She's an attention whore and destructive chewer. And she whines and cries more than any human baby I've met. She's dramatic and needy and hilarious and embarrassing. But she's adorable (lucky for her) and she just tries so hard to love us the best she can.

Read more about Lil’s ridiculous here, here and here

Paws To Claws From California To Kansas

Unwanted Emails and The Deal This Week

Have you ever gotten an email from your ex, like 2 years post "see ya never" and you're like ahhh noooo! What is happening? I mean I still follow your sisters on instagram.. is that what this is about? Then you open it and it's a virus and your like sick, not only did I have an axiety attack that it was an "I miss you and I'd like to talk" email, but now I can't even be that relieved that you didn't intentionally email me because now I may have a computer virus. No, never happened to you? Welp, sick way to start my week.

It's fine because I'm pumped about this week and have a lot going on!

1. Today (Monday) I was going to run a 5k to benefit victims of the Boston bombing. I randomly saw it on NBC.com and called and signed up! In order to participate you just had to call and commit to donating! I was going to actually run it but I realized I wouldn't have time (I gotta make sure things are set for tomorrow), so I went and dropped off my donation anyway and got this sweet shirt!
2. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I will be going with Tom's mom for my first bridesmaid dress fitting! I'm so excited because this dress is gorgeous (L has impeccable taste) and purple and I love it. It also has invisible pockets! So neccesary because I'm gonna ball my eyes out the whole time so I'll need tissues. And I am not a pretty cryer, see also: Kim Kardashian's cry face
Unfortunately I couldn't find a .gif
3. Wednesday will probably consist of laundry and cleaning up the apartment (it's at like fucking biohazard status at this point)
My side of the sink. Because we're all friends and you aren't judging me.
p.s. I spy a pinterest project that I'll post later! (prob next week)
4. Thursday I will be packingggggg for Nueva York! And it's the start of our weekend since we have Friday off because..

5. Tom's parents are incredible and for Christmas told L, J, Tom and I that they wanted to take us to see a show in NY. (dying right?) L and J live in Manhattan so Tom and I are staying with them for the weekend and their parents are staying near by. I love visiting NY (mostly because I love L and J) and I'm superrrr pumped to see Jekyll and Hyde (the play, duh). Tom's cousins who live in NY just got home from Machu Pichu (jealous? same) and they will be meeting up with us too!
One of the pictures of the shenanigans that happened
last time we visited. This is Tom with the cousins we're
meeting up with. See why I'm excited?
At her sister, E's bachelorette
One last thing before I sign off- a BIGGG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO M! (who you met here) Wish we could have celebrated with you! Can't wait to make some incredible memories at the next fam bachelorette! XOXO

Hopefully the week flys by! Lata yoooo

Linking up with Lisette & Catalyn and Tori & Brittany and Melissa

Slightly More Productive Than Last Weekend

This weekend was slightly more prodcutive than last weekend. Although we obviously watched a dozen Law & Order episodes we also...

Went to a going away party for a friend I've known since kindergarten on Friday night! He's moving out to San Diego! (luckyyyyy) We went to a Mexican restaurant for margaritas and then went to a bar down the street for a black light night!

Saturday morning was a bit slow but I got up (eventually Tom did too) to move my girlfriends into their new house! One of them borrowed a "Free Candy" van (that's how she described it) from her catering job and I drove it. I think I pulled off the "I'm cute and innocent even tho I'm driving sketchy child predator van" look. Also to get the stuff out of her apartment the boys she enlisted had to bring the all the huge shit (bed, dressers etc) down a god damn fire escape. I literally went up once and when we were done I could only carry down a screwdriver because the stairs give me an anxiety attack.

Anxiety attacks at all seconds.
After moving (and pizza and beers!) Tom and I got home and I promptly passed out. After 4 hours I woke up, we ordered Thai and of course, watched Law & Order.

Sunday morning I went my weekend run with Lil and Daddy. We ran a bit further this time and Lil and I were both poooooped. That is until we got back to my parents and Lil wanted to play fetch for a half hour. Now she's napping on me and making it hard to type. 
Not bad right?
Don't judge my post-run hair
After I showered, we went to Sunset Meadow and Haight-Brown vineyards (which I get into more in this post) and got drunk. It's still not greatttttt weather so we let Lil stay home and sleep. And yes Tom is giving me the finger in that picture because I made him stand up there (its exactly like the wine stomping grape lady! If you don't know what that is here is the video) and he didn't want to but he I told him he just HAD to. We came home with 4 bottles of wine. 2 of which are Tom's favorite and I'm not allowed to have. (The Cayuga White from Sunset Meadow)


I defaced Tom's wine notes at HB
Of course Sunday dinner was at Tom's parents house and delicious. Lil loves it but it takes about 4 hours for her to calm her shit. Most of the time we're there she stands by the glass doors to the back yard and cries to go outside. Relaxing right? Don't worry, I had wine.

Hope everyone had a good weekend! 

Linking up with Sami, Lisette & Rachel, and Bre

Tainted Compliments

I am not good at taking compliments. Like, I’m horrendous. I mean I don’t put much effort in most days but when my friends compliment me it doesn’t count because I don’t get weird and when Tom compliments me I think he’s kidding because he jokes about everything. (Plus I think he’s given up because I attack him with clarifying questions after each compliment. "Do you really think so?" "Are you sure my hair doesn't look bad?")

ANYWAY getting complimented by a complete stranger is different because they have no ulterior motive (did you know that was spelled with a “U”? I did not. And I kept thinking spell check was an idiot for not understanding what I was getting at. Embarrassing) another one of my fantastic new bloggie friends Beth had a recent post about getting asked out at the gym and I figured I’d share my ridiculous and kinda flattering (less so than Beth's) story. Also, go visit her. She's fucking great. And I kinda have a girl crush on her

When Lil and I go out for a walk she gets, on average, 3 compliments. Every time there are people around someone is saying "what a handsome dog" "what a cute dog" "aren't you adorable!?" "that's a great looking dog" I could go on. So on this particular day, Lil had already been told I was "lucky to have such a good puppy!" (If they only knew) and we were just about to head into the building when a guy who was probably a bit younger than me says, "I love.." now, I'm expecting to hear a, "your dog" but he finishes by saying "your hair." I'm like, shit yea Lil, mom's still got it! And I'm smiling and say thank you as I walk by and just as soon as he passed, he finishes his thought a bit loudly saying "Sexy as FUCK."

I'm all "Umm what? Thanks? Really tho?"

Sick. Probably my only compliment of the day and it's ruined because this guy had to be creepy and kind of offensive.

Duh, it's FRIDAY so I'm linking up with Tiffany for Let's Be Friends and Whitney forrrrr
This song came on the radio while I was on the way home from my girlfriends apartment and you can't NOT pass along some MJ. Enjoy it.
Beat It by Michael Jackson - Beat it on Grooveshark

When I Grow Up

So there are realistic things and some not-so- realistic things that I’d like to see in my life when I “grow up”

Realism first:
·         A successful career in my field of choice (I/O Psych) (yes I’m aware no one knows what that is. Look it up.)
·         A well behaved dog (I may have to wait it out with Lil)
·         To get married and have a beautiful wedding with my friends and family around
·         To travel (Specifically to Ireland, Greece, Italy and Brazil)
·         To raise a family of well adjusted children that aren’t too normal (not that being a child of mine and being normal would even be plausible)
·         To own a home that’s furnished with not only Ikea furniture and that has a backyard
·         Have a home bar/barcart
·         Have an AWESOME master bathroom
My dream dress
Coolest home bar

Now, dreaming big:
·         I want to own a horse. Really tho. I used to ride and it would be greatttt. I would name him Sir Arquestium the Magical Steed but I would call him Magic and he would look like Starlite from Rainbow Brite and he would have glittery accessories. But, obviously, classic looking tack. (tack is saddles and bridles and shit, duh)

·         An incredible summer home in Euorpe. I won’t be picky where
·         A full walk in closet and unlimited fashion funds

·         Have a wine cellar 
·         Have chandeliers in every room (which I could do but I’m sure the man of the house wouldn’t approve)
·         A personal chef to cook sooo many yummy tings
·         Have a secret room in my house that leads to Narnia or Hogwarts

·         A personal trainer because I need serious motivation
·         Go to the Azores to see the Birds of Paradise

·         Go on an African safari
·         Go to Seal Island off the South African coast and watch Great White Sharks jump out of the water
·         Have a swim up bar
·         Have a KICK ASS tree house in the backyard

And now I will be day dreaming the rest of the day!